
  • Increase Your Sales Potential

    Staged homes sold 77% faster than non-staged homes according to the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA).   In fact, staged homes have sold in as little as 11 days for 17% more than non-staged homes. – International Association of Home Staging Professionals.

  • Attract More Buyers

    More than 90% of home buyers start their search online, with photos serving as the first impression.  Staged photos will build a strong first impression, which is usually formed within the first 7-10 seconds of viewing.

  • Make a Great First Impression

    You want your home to blow away the competition and sell fast, and you NEVER get a second chance to make a first impression.  Only 10% of people can visualize what a space would look like furnished, while the other 90% cannot imagine how they’d live in the home.  Buyers will stay in a vacant home an average of 5 minutes but linger in a furnished home an average of 40 minutes.

  • Raise the Value of Your Home

    Don’t make that first price drop of $5,000 before visiting us.  Let us show you how our Investors Staging can save you thousands and sell your house quicker.  For more information, please visit us at

Momo brings to you the second to last most important piece of your renovation. Staging – just before your photographer comes in and your agent lists the property. Now that you have the best possible first impression for your buyers online, focus on closing the deal and come back to us on your next property. Don’t forget your discounts, check out our website or Facebook  to find your “Investors Discounts.”

We’ve made poor choices long ago not to stage a couple of our properties. We wanted to be cheap and save money when we first started. What a horrible mistake that was!  We were about to lower the price $5,000 just to get a property sold!

We suppose it could’ve been worse, but two weeks of holding costs and bad feedback was bad enough!  We immediately realized the need for staging.  Within two days after staging, our agent began receiving calls and had several showings.  A week later we were under contract, without ever lowering the price!  We’ve learned our lesson and never looked back since.

Checkout our investors staging site here.
